SCE employees gave their time and opened their wallets like never before in 2015. The Holiday Season was no exception. Free Christmas Trees were delivered to appreciative elderly and disabled folks whose homes would have lacked this essential symbol of the season. At the local Veterans Center, where Santa’s wish lists included such basics as a card, SCE employees delivered gifts for many veterans who had given so much to their country and now asked so little in return. A local elementary school was the destination of SCE’s very own Santa Claus bearing winter hats and gloves for over 200 students. And at another local school, needy families found gifts under their tree where none would have been.

While the spirit of giving was alive and well across the ranks at SCE, two young women draw special praise. Coordinating all of these efforts throughout the year were Mariah Wheeler (SCE’s most senior employee), and Lauren Delguercio (one of SCE’s 2015 rookies). Mariah and Lauren prodded fellow workers who had good intentions but bad memories and kept the programs on schedule and focussed. The effort not only delivered essentials to those in need, but also gave SCE employees a chance to bond over something that transcends the daily work routine.

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